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I have no idea if this is the best way to do this (is it really required tocompile QT?) but it works for me. This is also reconstructed from the historyof a few terminal windows, so it's entirely possible I'm forgetting something.


IDA Pro runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and can debug a large array of specific platforms (Windows 32/64-bit, Linux 32/64-bit, OS X x86/x64, iOS, Android, etc.). This can be carried out either locally or remotely. Remote debuggers are very useful to safely dissect potentially harmful programs. Some IDA debuggers can also run the application. About BitTorrent. BitTorrent price today is $0.000327 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $70,461,443 USD. BitTorrent is down 1.61% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #48, with a market cap of $323,725,568 USD.

Start by following the install_linux.txt instructions. You'll need to copylibida.dylib and libida64.dylib into bin in the SDK root. Additionally,that bin directory should be in you PATH. Finally make bin/idamake.plexecutable. All of these is covered in the SDK docs.

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The first hurdle you'll run into: the IDA SDK build cannot find the macOS SDK.You can easily fix this with MACSDK=`xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path` .

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The second hurdle you'll come across is a missing file named If welook in allmake.unx you'll see a reference to it on macOS. I just replacedthis with rsync -u, which someone on StackOverflow said would work. It seemsto. Other people here have described using gnu coreutils from a packagemanager alternatively.

Now you get to build QT. As described here, you need to download and patchQT. However, you also need to apply this patch as well to build on 10.12.Finally, you need to replace code in mkspecs/features/mac/default_pre.prfand configure. Specifically:

needs to be patched to:

Otherwise it incorrectly complains about a lack of valid Xcode license.

Once QT is built (which takes forever), you need to move some files into theappropriate location. The following works, but I'm there must be a better wayto do this, as this is really ugly.

The IDA SDK build requires these four libs:

these three include directories:

and bin from your QT build.

Serial for mac os x You must simply make sure that the bluetooth device is paired and active. Screen /dev/tty.usbserial-FTT3JMUZ 9600Once you’ve connected, you can use the terminal as you normally would.To exit (and close the screen gracefully) press: control-acontrol-Screen will then prompt you to quit and kill all of your windows. Then you will be able to see the device in the list of devices. Press “y” and you’ll be back to your shell terminal.This method works equally well if you want to connect to a serial bluetooth device. Remember to specify the speed (baud rate) after the device name.

The libs come from your IDA install and can just be linked. However, theheaders I ended up copying from my QT install:lib/Qt{Core,Gui,Widgets}.framework/Versions/5/Headers.

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IDA expects these files in /Users/Shared/Qt/5.6.0/{bin,include,lib}.

Lastly, qwindow.pmc64 will fail to compile. This is just missing'$(PREF)QtWidgets.framework/QtWidgets' entry in ADDITIONAL_LIBS around line35 (in the __MAC__ ifdef).

With all this done, you should now be able to compile IDA modules. I hope thissaves someone some time. If you run into problems, I doubt I'll be much helpunless it's something I did and forgot about when writing this up, howeveryou're still welcome to hit me up on twitter or irc (@yrp604, yrp).


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