Scan For Ip Addresses On Network Mac

Doing a Network Reconnaissance helps network managers improve security by identifying weak devices that can be potentially breached. It can also allow managers to maintain a detailed and updated diagram of the network.

The network reconnaissance is basically identifying live hosts and scanning ports and services. When testing security or even hacking, port scanning becomes one of the most essential steps of a successful network exploration.

Download a free network analyzer to monitor, analyze and troubleshoot your network. How does it work? Choose a subnet from the Local Subnet combo box and click the Start button or F5 to execute scan. Colasoft MAC Scanner will display scan results in the list, including IP address, MAC address, Host Name and Manufacture. It will group all IP.

It basically helps identify open and vulnerable ports and protocols that are being used in the network. Port Scanning helps managers, testers, and hackers create a profile and gain intelligence about a target organization all while ensuring Access to critical Systems and services are managed correctly.

A MAC address scanner scans the network for IP addresses and their associated MAC addresses. It enables users to scan hosts one at a time or a group of hosts at a time. MAC scanners allow users to find the IP and MAC addresses of devices accessing their network and to trace crucial client information like DNS engagement and hostnames. Added support for starting the IP addresses scanning from command-line Added support for saving into comma-delimited (.csv) file. Fixed bug in radio buttons of mode selection Version 1.10: Added support for scanning MAC addresses (works only for local network).

Live open ports can lead into the services running on hosts which can become a door into the organization. Running a port/services scan can make you aware of these weaknesses. With this information in hand, a network manager can secure a firewall by closing unnecessary ports and services.

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The following is a list of the Best FREE IP Scanners for Port and Services, including a brief description, their features and official download site.

Here's a List of Best Free IP & Port Scanners of 2019:

There are a variety of scanners on the market which are usually online tools. But the best scanners are the ones that you run on your own devices since they allow more flexibility in the process.

1. SolarWinds Port Scanner

SolarWinds is one of the leading companies that create network and IT infrastructure monitoring software. The SolarWinds Port Scanner is one of the “Free Download” tools that allows you to scan an IP address range or hostname and generate lists of the open, closed and filtered ports on the target network.

The software is easy to use. To begin scanning you will only configure the scan profile. To do this you must enter the target information, such as IP range, hostnames. You can also configure it to look for layer 4 ports or services such as TCP or UDP ports.

Aside from the common IP and Port scanning, SolarWinds Port Scanner can also be configured to resolve hostname with specific DNS information and it can also find the MAC address to identify the OS version.

Common features?

  • Uses multi-threading for less overhead and faster scanning.
  • Schedule scans to ensure updated data.
  • All scan profiles are configured in a single window with a command line.
  • Save all scan profiles for future faster scanning.
  • View all the IANA port name definitions right on the application.

Official site and where to download:

2. Nmap


Nmap is considered the Swiss Army Knife of hackers (ethical and not) and pen-testers.

Nmap stands for Network Mapper and is one of the most popular port scanners. It is an open source tool that offers a great deal of flexibility and power when it comes to performing any kind of active network reconnaissance against a target. With Nmap you can craft packets and send them to a specific target and let the software analyze the response.

Scan For Ip Addresses On Network Mac

For beginners, Nmap can be a little bit intimidating because there are so many different scanning combinations that get you different results.

A very short list of what you can do with Nmap:

  • Scan a target selection, such a single IP, a host-name, a range, etc.
  • Scan a port selection, such as a single port or a range.
  • Detect specific services and OSs.
  • Perform NSE scripts.
  • A really strong feature in Nmap is different “Port Scan Types”, such as TCP Connect, TCP SYN Scan. Below is a table with the most common TCP Scans Types that you can do in Nmap.
Scan TypeDescription
TCP Connect (-sT)Full Three-way-handshake (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK)
TCP SYN (sS)Send SYN. RST/ACK response=not listening SYN/ACK=listening
TCP FIN (sF)Send FIN, RST response=port close
TCP Xmas Tree (sX)Send FIN, URG, PSH, RST response=port closed
TCP Null (sN)No Flags. RST response=port closed
TCP ACK (PT)Send ACK. Firewall test to verify packet filtering.

Official site and where to download:

3. Advanced IP Scanner

It is a portable, easy-to-use and free network scanner for Windows. Advanced IP Scanner is free of installation. Just press play and you’ll have one of the most robust scanners at your disposal. With Advanced IP Scanner you can see a list of network devices with information such as IP, Port, Manufacturer, MAC Address, OS, etc.

This scanner finds all the devices in a targeted scan in a matter of seconds and provides easy access to their shared resources, either through HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or even shared folders.

Another cool feature of this tool is that it detects the RDPs or Radmin ports, and it will let you manage the device remotely right from the platform.

Common features:

  • Easy access to network shares.
  • Control devices via Radmin and RDP.
  • Switch on/off computers remotely.
  • Find the MAC addresses.
  • Export all scan results to a CSV file.

Official site and where to download:

4. Angry IP Scanner

Scan For Ip Addresses On Network Mac Osx

Angry IP Scanner (also called ipscan) is a free and open-source network scanner. The tool works on popular OSs, such as Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. It was designed with simplicity in mind, the software is ultra-light, no installation is required (highly portable) and it is fairly easy to use.

At its most basic level, Angry IP Scanner will ping the target device/network to confirm that it is alive. It can also resolve hostnames, find the MAC address, and scan ports. You can extend the amount of information received about each target with the help of plugins.

Common features:

  • Can scan private or a public range of IP addresses. Additionally, it can get the NetBIOS information of a device, detect web servers and customize openers.
  • It is able to export the results in different formats such as TXT, CSV, XML, or IP-Port list files.
  • For faster scanning, the tool uses the multi-threading approach.
  • By default, the tool comes with common fetchers like Ping, Host-name, and Ports but you can add more fetchers with the help of plug-ins to see more information.
  • The tool runs on the GUI, but you can use the CLI to call up different options on the software.

Official site and where to download?

5. Free IP Scanner by Eusing

Eusing Software creates miscellaneous free applications for windows users. Among the most popular tools is the Free IP Scanner. This tool is a lightweight standalone scanner which can check a hundred devices per second. It is only supported by Windows OSs.

Free IP Scanner pings the IP (or range of IPs) to see who is alive. It can also translate the host-name to IP (or vice versa), find closed and open ports and get NetBIOS information. The last one can show details such as host-name, workgroup, active logged users, and the MAC address of the device. All the results obtained can be exported into a TXT file.

People like Free IP Scanner because it is simple, portable and easy to use. However, it cannot be extended with more functionality. Although the tool scans and finds ports, the entire layer 4 TCP/UDP information cannot be customized for deeper analysis.

Extra features:

  • Fast scanning using multi-threaded technology.
  • Free IP Scanner can scan multiple targets per second without consuming many resources.

Official site and where to download?

6. NetCat

A fully versatile tool preferred by most hackers like NMAP above.

NetCat is not strictly an IP Scanner, it goes well beyond that. It is however a tiny Unix networking analyzer utility used by and against hackers for a large number of reasons.

It is tiny but powerful. NetCat is considered as a feature-rich networking tool used especially for debugging and investigation.

With NetCat you can create any kind of connection. It basically writes to and reads data from network connections using TCP or UDP. In other words, it can open TCP or UDP connections between two devices over any port.

The most common use for this tool is to set up reverse and bind shells, redirecting network traffic, port scanning and forwarding, debugging scripts, and service banner grabbing.

Some features?

  • Connect to a remote system through any port or service.
  • Banner Grabbing to identify the software that the target is using.
  • Scan, listen and forward open ports.
  • Create tunnels with specific network parameters, like source port/interface, listening port/interface and the remote host.
  • Create back-doors for easy access to the target.
  • Transfer files from the target

Official site and where to download:


7. LanSweeper IP Scanner

It is a free and powerful IT management tool that can scan networks and find your assets. The IP Scanner is a feature that comes integrated with LanSweeper. With the scanner, you can target a specific IP or range of IPs and get a full inventory of all computers, servers, virtual servers, switches, routers, printers, VoIP phones, etc. The results can be easily exported and created into a report.

People love LanSweeper because of its ability to automatically deploy scripts and commands to many devices at the same time. It uses an integrated deployment feature to automatically deploy software and execute commands on the devices shown on the inventory.

The software goes beyond scanning. It will let you get deep details through scanning, find issues and proactively fix them. The scanner grabs network information through WMI, SNMP, HTTP, FTP, SSH and other protocols.

Common features?

  • Inventorying
  • Scan IP addresses automatically or on demand
  • Import the results via a CSV file.
  • Run custom actions such as remote shutdown.
  • Wake-On-LAN Manager
  • Find MAC address, logged-on users, user accounts, device up-times, etc.
  • The free version lets you find detailed info of up to 100 devices.

Official Site and where to download?

8. MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner

A comprehensive network IP Scanner for Windows OSs. On the basic level, this tool will scan the target network and will show the IP, MAC addresses, NIC vendor, OS Version, logged users, and shared folders of the wired and wireless devices found an easy-to-read list.

MyLANViewer Network/IP Scanner can monitor all the scanned devices (even if they are hidden), and notify you when a new device was found.

Additional Features:

  • NetBIOS scanner
  • Whois and Traceroute tool
  • Remote shutdown and Wake-On-LAN manager.
  • Wireless network scanner and monitor
  • Show and access shared folders
  • Terminate user sessions
  • Show netstat information
  • Find rogue DHCP servers.

Official Site and where to download:

9. Slitheris Network Discovery

Slitheris Network Discovery from Komodo Laboratories is a Windows-based premium IP scanner. The free version of this advanced network scanner allows you to find up to 50 network devices but can be extended with the premium license.

This tool takes IP scanning to a new level, it is fast and finds information that most scanners can’t. It gathers information from target network devices without needed credentials or agents. Slitheris Network Discovery uses multi-threaded technology to quickly find all pingable devices and uses ARP pings to discover hidden devices.

What can Slitheris do?

  • Real-time visual ping sweep. It shows what the ping sweep is doing with a visual matrix.
  • OS Detection and Fingerprinting. Identify different Windows OS versions without the need for authentication and credentials.
  • Identify different type of devices. Find whether the device is a Printer, Virtual Machine, Mobile, Server, Workstation, etc.
  • Age determination. Uses MAC address to determine the age of the device.
  • SMB Security. Alarms when SMB (Server Message Block) is enabled or disabled on a device, to improve security.
  • Detects stealth devices. The tool uses the ARP cache to find un-pingable devices.
  • Find Web GUI access devices. The tool uses port scanning on HTTP and HTTPS to see whether a device can be accessed through Web GUI.

Official Site and where to download:


Open ports can be gateways into networks and are considered weaknesses if not treated with security in mind.

The toolbox of network and security administrators should contain a Port and Services Scanner to help them identify open ports and control vulnerabilities efficiently, before its too late.

There are many free and online scanners out there as well, But when combining portability, effectiveness, feature-richness, flexibility and cost efficiency, only the previous nine stand out.

They are free, download a copy today and scan your network. We suggest you grab several of them (as they are all Free) and give them a try – they all have different feature sets and work well when there is no internet connection available to use an online variation. We hope this list of some of the top Port Scanners help you secure your network and keep intruders out!

Scanning for IP address lets you have better control over your network. With 1-2 commands, you can quickly map out the devices in your network and the IP addresses that they are using. But to understand how to scan a network, first, you need to understand how are IP addresses assigned.

DHCP (Assigning IPs Dynamically)

An automated process in networking, called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), assigns IP dynamic addresses to hosts as soon as they enter the network. In a home or small network, the DHCP server is usually a part of the router. When you come into the network, the router will look for an available IP address in its pool and assign it to you, so that your device can communicate with others without any conflict.

If you have any smart home devices, which are generally not very secure, you might want to set them to use the guest network. Password wifi for mac os. More HardeningSome other settings are important. However, this may make them harder to control, since the devices you use to turn them on and off need to be on the same network.

Dynamic allocation of IP addresses is a great advantage for both end-users and network admins. But sometimes you would need to have some control in order to manage and troubleshoot your network more efficiently.

What will you learn in this Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn the basic networking skills on how to scan a network for IP addresses. We will scan a network with native OS commands, find which addresses were assigned dynamically, which statically, and test their connectivity.

In the end, we will compare some IP address scanning tools that can give you additional information. To improve your IP addressing insights, even more, we will show you some tools that allow you to track IP addresses and even manage them.

Simple IP Scanning

Operating Systems, like Windows and Linux, come with their own native simple networking set of tools. Commands such as “ipconfig”, “arp -a”, or “ping” allow simple scanning and troubleshooting. Word torrent for mac os.


The simplest way to get a quick list of IP addresses and their devices connected to your network is with those OS native commands found in the command line. With a list of the assigned IP address and their devices, you can easily find the devices that are causing the most problems.

    1. ipconfig
      This command displays all network settings assigned to one or all adapters in the computer. You can find information such as your own IP, subnet, and Gateway. For Linux and MacOS is “Ifconfig”.
    2. arp -a
      When you issue the “arp -a”, you’ll get IP-address-to-mac conversion and the allocation type (whether dynamic or static) of all devices in your network.
    3. Ping
      It helps determine connectivity between two hosts and find the IP address of a hostname.
Scan local ip addresses

Reading The Output

Finding your own network adapter configuration

In the following screenshot, you’ll see the output from the ipconfig command. On a Windows, the ipconfig command can be entered through the Command line.

Go to Run > type cmd > type ipconfig

  • This Windows computer has 5 network adapters, but the last one (Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi) is the only one connected to a network. The rest are disconnected.
  • In this network, the router (or Default Gateway) is playing the role of the DHCP server. It is assigning the IP address dynamically and giving access to the Internet.
  • You are reading two of the most important IP addresses for your device; Your own device’s IP (IPv4 and IPv6) and your Gateway. The Subnet Mask is also very important, it shows that you are on the same subnet as the gateway.

Ip Scanner With Mac Address

Now you know your subnet, which in this case is (using the CIDR range). Now you need to find the rest of the IP address in your network.

Scanning your Network

The job of the ARP protocol is to map IPs to MAC addresses. It provides a method for hosts on a LAN to communicate without knowing any address and create a cache of information. When a new computer enters the LAN, it receives an IP and updates its ARP cache with the Gateway information. This ARP cache can be found using the “arp-a” command.

  • Use the command line to enter the “arp -a” command.
  • This computer has been connected for some time into the LAN, so its ARP cache is very precise and complete. The first IP address shown in the display is the Gateway (the same we found through the ipconfig command).
  • The output shows the IP, the MAC addresses, and their assignation type. The addresses displayed here were dynamically assigned by the DHCP server in the LAN. All of these IPs are devices connected to the LAN ( The other static addresses are reserved for Multicasting.
  • With the MAC information, you can know the vendor. Try searching for vendor prefixes or use an automatic online tool such as MACvendors.

Testing Connectivity

Finally, with some information, you can test connectivity. In the following test, we tried an extended ping with “ping -t” to the gateway. With this, you can learn some simple insights about delay and latency.

From the list generated by the ARP command, you could ping all the live hosts. Or you can go beyond and ping the entire subnet to find hosts not found by the ARP (but that would be too much manual work…). Later, we’ll discuss how to automatically ping entire subnets at once.

Although having a list of devices and their allocated IP address will give you good insights, the information will not be enough when your network scales. Manual IP scanning in multiple subnets and BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device) scenarios is nearly impossible. As the network scales, problems will scale too.

Larger networks demand more results, flexibility, and easy-to-read set of commands.

An IP Address Scanner tool helps you with larger demands. These tools are able to map the entire local network, finds live hosts, and to provide the results of the “arp-a” in a clearer format. Other IP Scanners do not depend on ARP but they operate using repeated ping tests. A Ping Sweep tool lets you ping entire subnets and find live hosts just with one button.

Some other IP Scanners go the extra mile and give more information such as Port number, DNS, DHCP, etc. All of this data is also presented in the most visual and easy-to-read format. They also allow users to save all results and present them in detailed reports.

Advanced IP Scanners

1. Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner is one of the most popular scanners on the web, with over 29 million downloads. It is open-source, free, and available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It can let you scan your local network or the Internet-facing IP addresses.

Scan Local Ip Addresses

This tool is not only capable of scanning IP addresses but also ports. When you define an IP address range, you can also specify a number of the port, and see if a device in your network is using a specific service (defined by the port). Angry IP Scanner also lets you save all the scan results into multiple formats, such as TXT, XML, CVS, etc.

When you scan, you’ll know what hosts are alive, their response time, hostname, MAC address, etc. If you want even more information, you can extend results by developing Java plugins.


Open Source and 100% free.


Get Angry IP from its official site.

Scan Ip Addresses On Network Mac Terminal

2. SolarWinds Ping Sweep

Ping Sweep from SolarWinds helps you find free IPs and identify which ones are unavailable. It is classified as a networking discovery tool from the SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset. A comprehensive network software, that includes over 60 handy tools. Ping Sweep from SolarWinds is included in the Engineer’s Toolset and is dedicated for ping testing. For the MAC address, port scans, SNMP scans, etc, there are more dedicated tools in the Engineer’s Toolset.

Just as when you ping from the command line, this tool shows the DNS name for each IP and response time. It can also let you export results in different formats such as CSV, TXT, XLS, and to an HTML page.


SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset starts at $1,380.00 and includes over 60 must-have tools.


Get a fully functional Engineer’s Toolset for 14 days by registering to SolarWinds official site.

IP Address Tracker Tools

Having a map of IP addresses, MAC addresses, used ports, etc, is great for networking inventorying and may help with some troubleshooting cases. But a list can not control and display real-time results.

An IP address Tracker is a good upgrade to our set of tools and commands described so far. It does allow scanning multiple subnets and displaying results, but it also allows you to keep track of one or more IP addresses.

An IP Address Tracker will notice when an IP address is released. This can be either because the device lost connectivity or it changed IP address. It will help you minimize IP addressing conflicts (when two devices are trying to take the same IP) and reduce DNS errors.

3. MyLAN Viewer

MyLAN Viewer is a NetBIOS and IP address scanner for Windows systems. Just like the IP Scanners shown above, this tool will scan a network and show devices in an easy-to-read format.

But MyLANViewer goes beyond, and not only shows computer name, IP, and MAC, but also NIC, OS version, logged users, shared folders, and much more.

This tool is able to track specific IP addresses and show notifications when their state change. With it, you can also keep track of network security by showing port information and detecting rogue DHCP servers. MyLAN Viewer tracks all devices in the subnet including hidden, and displays alerts when new devices enter the network, and others go.

This tool can also display the following metrics as well:

  • Display Whois data.
  • Perform traceroute.
  • Manage “Remote Shutdown and Wake On LAN (WOL)”.
  • Monitor wireless networks.


Free, but only available for Windows systems.


Get MyLAN Viewer from its official site.

4. SolarWinds IP Tracker

SolarWinds IP Tracker is a standalone software and completely free. In addition to creating inventories of all devices, this tool allows you to scan, track, and manage IP address, including their event logs, all in a single place. SolarWinds IP Tracker is the free version and feature-limited of the much coveted IP Address Manager.

But the IP Tracker does an amazing job to provide a centralized view of the entire IP addressing scheme. It lets you monitor 256 (one subnet) IP addresses for free. Additionally, this tool allows basic management functionalities with tools such as, Ping, Telnet, Traceroute. The best of all is that, with SolarWinds IP Tracker you can detect IP address conflicts created by misconfigured DHCP servers.

SolarWinds IP Tracker is only supported by Windows systems.


100% Free.


Register in SolarWinds to download the software for free.

IP Address Management (IPAM)

Basic IP Address Scanning should be enough to manage small networks. But when networks scale they depend on multiple subnets and detailed management requirements. Although SolarWinds IP Tracker is able to find IP address conflicts, it is not able to control them.

Sometimes large-scale networks have standalone DHCP and DNS Servers in order to assign addresses to multiple subnets. But IP conflicts occur and it is really challenging to manage them manually. An IP Address Management or “IPAM” is a piece of software able to actively control DHCP and DNS. It also gives you the ability to manage multiple subnets.

5. SolarWinds IP Address Scanner

Among SolarWinds powerful tools, the IP Address Manager does everything a large-scale enterprise needs to manage its addresses properly. It automates many processes to make IP Address management easier. From automated IP address tracking, quick static IP reservations, to multi-vendor DHCP and DNS support.

SolarWinds IPAM comes with an integrated IP address management, DHCP, and DNS tools to administer your entire network.

One of the most commonly used tools from this bundle is the IP Address Scanner. This tool allows you to create automated IP address scans to maintain an updated inventory of all IP address blocks in the network. This is achieved by sending regular ICMP and SNMP polls. The automatic scans use ICMP polls to gather status of the IP address and hostname information. It also uses SNMP to find information on MAC addresses and other vendor information. SolarWinds IP Address Scanner supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address management.

SolarWinds IPAM also provides detailed reports of your IP address in real-time.


Download the Free Trial for 30 Days!


Get a fully functional SolarWinds IPAM for 30 days by registering to SolarWinds official site.